Disclosures and Consumer Information

To comply with the Higher Education Act of 1965, we are required to disclose specific consumer information about the university and the availability of student financial aid to prospective and current students. 

Carson-Newman is committed to providing access to information that will allow students, parents, counselors, and other constituents to make informed decisions about postsecondary education. Information about the university, that include its religious affiliation, enrollment, and student services, can be found under the “General Information” section of COLLEGE NAVIGATOR.


Constitution Day and Citizenship Day is observed each year on September 17 to commemorate the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787, and to recognize all who have become U.S. citizens, whether by coming of age or by naturalization.

Starting in 1940, this national holiday was originally known as “I Am An American Day” on the third Sunday in May to recognize and celebrate American citizenship.  In 1952, Congress repealed that joint resolution and passed a new law to morph “I Am An American Day” into “Citizenship Day,” and the date was changed to September 17 to commemorate the formation and signing of the Constitution as well.  In 2004, Congress changed the designation of this day to “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.”  Now, it is commonly referenced by the shorter name, “Constitution Day.”

Senator Robert C. Byrd, a West Virginia Democrat and the United States Congress’ unofficial constitutional scholar, believed that American primary, secondary, and post-secondary students lack significant knowledge regarding the United States Constitution. In December 2004, Senator Byrd offered an amendment that was passed by both the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate in an attempt to increase students’ knowledge about the Constitution.

The legislation requires that all educational institutions that receive federal funds implement educational programs related to the United States Constitution on September 17 of each year to align with the historical commemoration of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.  Click here to visit the official Constitution Day website.

Disability Services

David Humphrey, Director of Disability Services
Doug Campbell, Case Manager

Carson-Newman University has articulation agreements with the following institutions:

  • Pellissippi State Community College — Knoxville, TN
  • New Mexico Military Institute — Roswell, NM
  • Georgia Military Institute — Milledgeville, GA (additional branches in Augusta, Fayetteville, Fairburn, Valdosta and Warner Robins)
  • Valley Forge Military College — Wayne, PA
  • Marion Military Institute — Marion, AL

Tennessee Transfer Pathways and Articulation Agreements

Carson-Newman University has established transfer pathways agreements for students who complete an associate degree from a Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) institution prior to beginning their enrollment at Carson-Newman University. Students who follow the prescribed pathway will streamline their educational journey and satisfy many components of their pursuit of a bachelor’s degree without taking additional unnecessary coursework. Following an articulation agreement or transfer pathway prior to admission will allow a student to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Carson-Newman University upon completion of REL 101, REL 102 and LA-102, remaining courses required for the major, upper level and senior college credit requirements, and elective hours required to reach the 120 hours required for graduation from Carson-Newman.

Additional information on transfer pathways can be found on the Admissions website at this link: C-N Transfer Admissions and at TN Transfer Pathway

Participating institutions are listed below:

  • Chattanooga State Community College
  • Cleveland State Community College
  • Columbia State Community College
  • Dyersburg State Community College
  • Jackson State Community College
  • Motlow State Community College
  • Nashville State Community College
  • Northeast State Community College
  • Pellissippi State Community College
  • Roane State Community College
  • Southwest Tennessee State Community College
  • Volunteer State Community College
  • Walters State Community College

Tennessee Reverse Transfer

The University participates in the Tennessee Reverse Transfer program. This program allows a student who completes a minimum of 15 hours at a participating Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) community college and who enrolls at Carson-Newman University before completing an associate degree to transfer their credits earned at Carson-Newman back to the community college. A reverse transfer potentially allows these students to be awarded an associate degree by their community college while also meeting bachelor’s degree requirements at Carson-Newman. For more information, see C-N Transfer Admissions

Carson-Newman accepts transfer credit from accredited colleges and universities and endorses the guidelines for transfer of credit as outlined in the “Joint Statement of the Transfer and Award of Credit” developed by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), the American Council of Education (ACE) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Courses recommended by The American Council of Education are evaluated on a course by course basis. Some courses must be authorized for acceptance by a department chair. 

Course Credit Evaluation process:

  1. The transfer credit evaluation process includes reviewing a college level course which may be acceptable for credit by Carson-Newman. Approved transferrable credit will be accepted as:
  1. A course similar in likeness to a C-N course. The course will be granted a Carson-Newman course            

number, or 

  1. A course that meets a Liberal Arts Core requirement will be granted credit as GER or LA, for example   


  1. A course that is taught in a discipline that is offered by Carson-Newman, but does not equate to a representative course at C-N.  The course will be accepted as elective credit, designated as ELEC, for example, BIOL-ELEC. Elective credit may not be used toward meeting Liberal Arts Core requirements. It may be used toward major requirements if approved by the department chair. It may also be used toward the total number of hours toward a degree. Credit accepted as elective credit may be further reviewed by a department chair upon student request to determine if the course would meet a Liberal Arts Core or major course requirement.  A course description and syllabus from the course must be provided to the department chair of the discipline in question for review of specific credit. 

2.  Courses taught at the developmental or remedial level from the transferring institution are not accepted for credit.

3. Courses from vocational or technical schools are not generally accepted for credit. Students may petition for credit for courses that may have an equivalent match at C-N by following the procedures outlined below to appeal for credit from an unaccredited institution. 

4. Credit for institutionally specific courses, such as chapel, convocation, lecture series, etc., is typically not accepted unless the syllabus demonstrates content that general in nature and not specific to the transferring institution.

5.  Varsity Athletic sport credit will transfer as an “S” graded course and is limited to one credit per academic year.

6.  Credit earned for Nursing coursework does not automatically transfer. The Department of Nursing will review all Nursing credit. Nursing credit will be awarded only upon the approval of the Chair of the Nursing Department, who will notify the University Registrar concerning the awarding of nursing credit. 

7. Credit for freshman seminar courses may be granted upon review and evaluation of course content. If the courses content is similar in nature to a course or courses at Carson-Newman, the credit will be granted as Interdisciplinary (prefix ID) credit.

8.  Credit by exam, i.e., Advanced Placement, College Level Examination Program, International Baccalaureate and State-Wide Dual (TN) credit is accepted based upon established guidelines and required scores determined by individual departments. These guidelines are based on information and recommendations from the College Board, IB, and the State of Tennessee. Credit by Exam is limited to 30 hours and is not considered institutional credit.

Credit by Exam Score Chart

9. Credit from international institutions must be evaluated by a professional foreign credentials evaluation service such as WES, or Joseph Silney and Associates, or recognized equivalent. The official professional evaluation must be submitted to the University Registrar for consideration of transfer credit. Credit will be awarded according to guidelines stated in this transfer credit policy.

Transfer credit and Degree Requirements:

1.  No more than 60 hours earned from a 2 year, junior or community college may be used toward the requirement for a degree from Carson-Newman.  If the student transfers more than 60 hours of credit from a two year college, the student must earn least 60 hours from C-N and/or another 4 year college. Institutional policy requires at least 60 hours must earned from a senior (4 year) college or university, and at least 30 hours must be earned at Carson-Newman to award the degree.

2. Credit earned at the 100 or 200 level from the original institution transferred as upper division to Carson Newman will count as content credit for the discipline (with some limited exceptions) but the hours earned will not count toward meeting the 36 Junior/Senior (upper division) hour requirement necessary for graduation from Carson-Newman, unless approved by the department chair

3.  Courses transfer with the hours earned and level assigned from the original institution.  A course may satisfy a content requirement, but may not satisfy other C-N requirements, such as upper level credit as noted above.

4.  If a course was taken at another institution, it can be repeated at another institution, for the replacement to be granted.  If it was taken at C-N if has to be repeated at C-N in order for the forgiveness policy to be administered.  If the student fails the course at C-N, and successfully repeats it at another institution, the student will be granted the credit, but hours and grades attempted will be counted for both courses.

5. All grades for courses which are accepted as transfer credit are recorded and computed into the transferring student’s grade point average. Grades are transferred on a 4.0 grading scale and plus and minus quality points are not computed in the transfer grade point average. These transferred quality points and the quality points earned at C-N will be used to calculate the cumulative GPA. Students must earn a minimum cumulative and C-N institutional GPA of 2.0 to graduate. (Some specific departments have higher GPA requirements for completion of the degree.)

6.  Class standing of transfer students is determined by the number of credit hours accepted for transfer at Carson-Newman University.

Time Limit on Transfer Credits to Carson-Newman University

1. Courses meeting the Liberal Arts Core requirement do not have a time limit for traditional undergraduate programs. 

2. Courses used for elective credit toward the total number of hours required for the degree do not have a time limit.  

3.  Courses meeting major requirements for a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, or Bachelor of Science major taken more than 15 years prior to enrollment at Carson-Newman University will transfer only with departmental approval.  An exception to this policy may be granted with approval of the department chair for the major/program in which the student plans to major.

4.  In certain courses, current knowledge is essential, and the department chair may impose a time limit on the applicability of earned credit toward satisfying a degree requirement. In rare cases, a course may be used as elective credit toward the total number of hours required for the degree, but the student will have to take a more current version of the course at Carson-Newman University to satisfy course requirements for the major.

5.  Pre-requisite courses for the Nursing major, i.e., General Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, nutrition, microbiology, human development, and statistics must have been earned within ten years of the date of enrollment in the program. All nursing coursework completed at another institution must be approved by the Nursing Admission and Progression Committee in order for credit to be awarded toward the major at Carson-Newman.

Credit earned through the Armed Forces: 

Veterans of the Armed Forces and members of the military reserve may receive up to 40 hours of credit for military training. Credit is evaluated based on applicability to the declared major or degree of pursuit. If the declared major or degree changes after the veteran enrolls, the University reserves the right to re-evaluate military transfer credit and add or remove credit as it applies to the declared major of pursuit.

Carson-Newman follows the American Council of Education recommendation for course credit earned through the Armed Forces. Carson-Newman will award credit that is similar in likeness to a course offered through Carson-Newman based on this recommendation. Credit earned through the military will be reviewed by the Carson-Newman University Registrar. C-N will award a minimum of 4 hours of military credit (MILS) for basic training based on either the DD-214 or the Joint Services Transcript. 

An official Joint Services Military Transcript, Community College of the Air Force or other equivalent military transcript must be submitted to the University Registrar for consideration of additional credit. 

Credit from non-regionally accredited institutions:

If the student requests transfer of credit through a non-regionally accredited college the student may petition for credit through each individual department in which credit is sought. The student must complete the form for Requesting Credit from an Unaccredited Institution and provide a course description and a syllabus to the department chair for review and consideration.  The department chair will notify the University Registrar by completing and submitting the form to the University Registrar indicating whether the credit is acceptable and how it should be awarded.

Petition to Accept Credit from Unaccredited Institution

Graduate Credit:

Courses accepted for credit toward graduate degrees must be approved by the specific graduate program Chair or Program Director in which the degree is sought. Transfer credit hours are limited to the maximum number as specified by each individual graduate program. Consult the Graduate and Professional Studies Catalog for policies regarding transfer credit for graduate students. Transfer credit toward graduate degrees must be earned within the last 5 years.

The Appeal Process:

Undergraduate students may appeal a transfer credit decision through the University Registrar.  Documentation including a course syllabus must be submitted to the University Registrar who will contact the Department Chair of the subject area of the credit being appealed. A decision will be rendered by the Department Chair in consultation with the University Registrar.

Graduate Students appeal through the Graduate Department Chair or Graduate Program Director.

*Policy updated on 6/13/22*

Transfer Articulation Agreement:

Carson-Newman University has articulation agreements with the following institutions:

  • Pellissippi State Community College — Knoxville, TN
  • New Mexico Military Institute — Roswell, NM
  • Georgia Military Institute — Milledgeville, GA (additional branches in Augusta, Fayetteville, Fairburn, Valdosta and Warner Robins)
  • Valley Forge Military College — Wayne, PA
  • Marion Military Institute — Marion, AL

Tennessee Transfer Pathways and Articulation Agreements

Carson-Newman University has established transfer pathways agreements for students who complete an associate degree from a Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) institution prior to beginning their enrollment at Carson-Newman University. Students who follow the prescribed pathway will streamline their educational journey and satisfy many components of their pursuit of a bachelor’s degree without taking additional unnecessary coursework. Following an articulation agreement or transfer pathway prior to admission will allow a student to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Carson-Newman University upon completion of REL 101, REL 102 and LA-102, remaining courses required for the major, upper level and senior college credit requirements, and elective hours required to reach the 120 hours required for graduation from Carson-Newman.

Additional information on transfer pathways can be found on the Admissions website at this link: C-N Transfer Admissions and at TN Transfer Pathway

Participating institutions are listed below:

  • Chattanooga State Community College
  • Cleveland State Community College
  • Columbia State Community College
  • Dyersburg State Community College
  • Jackson State Community College
  • Motlow State Community College
  • Nashville State Community College
  • Northeast State Community College
  • Pellissippi State Community College
  • Roane State Community College
  • Southwest Tennessee State Community College
  • Volunteer State Community College
  • Walters State Community College

Tennessee Reverse Transfer

The University participates in the Tennessee Reverse Transfer program. This program allows a student who completes a minimum of 15 hours at a participating Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) community college and who enrolls at Carson-Newman University before completing an associate degree to transfer their credits earned at Carson-Newman back to the community college. A reverse transfer potentially allows these students to be awarded an associate degree by their community college while also meeting bachelor’s degree requirements at Carson-Newman. For more information, see C-N Transfer Admissions

ACCREDITATION, professional licensure disclosures & Distance/online Education Approval

Carson-Newman University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, education specialist and doctoral degrees. Questions about the accreditation of Carson-Newman University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (

The university’s values statements, student learning goals, goals for the liberal arts core, the quality enhancement plan and the university strategic plan (Acorns to Oaks) can be found at University-Wide Goals

Carson-Newman offers several programs designed to lead to professional licensure or certification in the state of Tennessee.  Licensure and certification requirements vary from state to state; therefore, it is imperative for students to be aware of licensing and professional requirements for the state in which they wish to reside and practice. In addition to obtaining a degree from an approved program, most states have additional requirements for licensure, therefore, graduating from a program designed to lead to licensure, does not, in itself, qualify a person to be a licensed or certified as a practitioner in most states.

Students must also be aware that state laws, regulations, and requirements for licensure and certification are subject to change. Carson-Newman strongly recommends that prospective and currently enrolled students who plan to seek licensure/certification outside of the state of Tennessee contact the appropriate licensing agency for information and guidance before enrolling in a program which leads to licensure. It is also imperative that students be aware of licensing requirements when they relocate to a state outside the state of Tennessee after beginning a program. Students should discuss licensing requirements with their adviser before enrolling in a program that leads to licensure, or when relocating to a state outside of Tennessee. 

Professional Licensure Disclosures by Program and State

The U.S. Department of Education Rule CFR § 668.43 (a)(2)(5)(v) requires institutions to make public to prospective and enrolled students whether a completion of a program designed to lead to licensure will fulfill requirements for a specific licensure or certification required to be a practitioner in each state.  

Professional Licensing agencies in each state determine requirements and criteria for individual licensure. The university has made a reasonable effort to determine if C-N academic programs designed to lead to licensure in the state of Tennessee meet licensure requirements in other states. The disclosures listed on tables linked below indicate whether the program:

  • Meets the licensure requirements in that state
  • Does not meet licensure requirements in that state or
  • A determination has not been made whether the program meets licensure requirements in that state

Please follow the links below to view information regarding professional licensure determinations and contact information for licensing agencies in each state and NC-SARA approved territory.

Mental Health Counseling 

Professional School Counseling


Nursing BSN

Nursing MSN

Nursing Post-Masters

Please visit our Academic Programs page for additional information on each program.

Carson- Newman University is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). Membership in NC-SARA allows Carson-Newman to offer distance learning programs to students who live in SARA member states, without individually applying to each state for such approval. Carson-Newman may admit online students from all SARA member states and most U.S. Territories. Carson-Newman is a non-profit, degree granting institution and is accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC,) an accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education. As a non-profit institution, the University may also admit and enroll students from California in on-line programs. NC-SARA membership does not guarantee that students who complete Carson-Newman University’s academic programs leading to licensure will qualify for professional licensure based solely on obtaining a degree from C-N.

Carson-Newman University’s academic programs are designed to lead to professional licensure in the state of Tennessee. The University makes every effort to ensure that state licensure and certification requirements are current; however, licensure requirements are subject to change and the student should periodically check state requirements for updates. Students who reside in or plan to be employed in states other than Tennessee must meet the requirements for licensure in those states. Students who reside in or plan to relocate to a state outside the state of Tennessee should check with licensing agents before enrolling in a program leading to licensure or re-locating to another state, as requirements vary from state to state. Some programs also require national licensure; therefore, it is imperative that students check with licensing agents in the state in which they wish to practice regarding specific criteria for licensure before enrollment or relocation.  Links to professional licensing agents in other states and some U.S. territories are provided below under Professional Licensure Disclosures. 

Professional Licensure Information and Disclosures 

Carson-Newman offers several programs designed to lead to professional licensure or certification in the state of Tennessee.  Licensure and certification requirements vary from state to state; therefore, it is imperative for students to be aware of licensing and professional requirements for the state in which they wish to reside and practice. In addition to obtaining a degree from an approved program, most states have additional requirements for licensure, therefore, graduating from a program designed to lead to licensure, does not, in itself, qualify a person to be a licensed or certified as a practitioner in most states.

Students must also be aware that state laws, regulations, and requirements for licensure and certification are subject to change. Carson-Newman strongly recommends that prospective and currently enrolled students who plan to seek licensure/certification outside of the state of Tennessee contact the appropriate licensing agency for information and guidance before enrolling in a program which leads to licensure. It is also imperative that students be aware of licensing requirements when they relocate to a state outside the state of Tennessee after beginning a program. Students should discuss licensing requirements with their adviser before enrolling in a program that leads to licensure, or when relocating to a state outside of Tennessee.

Prospective students in programs designed to lead to licensure will be individually notified by the university through a direct individual written disclosure (email) regarding whether the program does not meet, or if the University has not determined if the program meets, the requirements for licensure/certification in the state in which they are located before a financial commitment to the university has been made.   Current students in programs designed to lead to licensure who plan to relocate will be individually notified by the university through a direct individual written disclosure (email) regarding whether the program does not meet, or if is not determined if the program meets the requirements for licensure/certification in the state in which plan to relocate within 14 days of the official notice of relocation. An official notice of relocation is one in which the student completes the Change of Address form provided by the Office of the Registrar or submits a change of local address in MyCN.

For Professional Licensure information and disclosures by state, please click here.

Field Experiences, Internships and Clinical Rotations:

Carson-Newman offers distance education programs which may require practicum experiences or clinical rotations. Any practicum or field experience completed outside of the state of Tennessee must meet state authorization requirements and must be approved by the department offering the practical experience. Prior to engaging in any supervised experience outside of the state of Tennessee a student must be approved by the academic director of the program offering the field experience. Students who are unsure if their program requires an internship or practicum experience required for professional licensure should contact the academic department offering the program.

Relocation for Students Enrolled in an Academic Program Designed to Lead to Licensure

Practitioner/professional licensure and certification requirements vary by state, therefore, it is imperative for a student enrolled in a program designed to lead to licensure contact the licensing agency in the state in which they plan to reside or practice. Relocation to a state outside the state of Tennessee may affect whether the student can remain in the program, meet state licensure requirements, and continue to receive financial assistance. Prior to relocation, the student must complete the change of address form provided on the University’s Registrar’s Office webpage or through MyCN. The student must also contact their academic advisor to discuss eligibility and licensure requirements in the state in which they plan to relocate or practice.

When the currently enrolled student officially notifies the University of an address/location change outside the state of Tennessee, the academic advisor will be notified by an email generated by the SIS or by the Office of the Registrar. Enrolled students who relocate to another state during active engagement in their program will receive a notification from their academic advisor within 14 calendar days from the official date of notification of relocation regarding the licensure requirements/determination status of the state in which the student plans to relocate. The official date of notification of relocation is the date in which the student changes their local address in MyCN or when the Change of Address form is submitted to the Office of the Registrar.

International Students

Students living outside of the United States should confirm with the certifying agency in their home country or country in which they wish to seek employment, as to whether successful completion of an academic program and degree at Carson-Newman University will be recognized as having satisfied the academic or credentialing requirements in that country, prior to enrolling in any academic program at Carson-Newman.

Student Responsibility

It is the student’s responsibility to officially notify the University Registrar of any local or permanent change in address or location. 

An official change of address or location is one in which the student completes the Change of Address form provided by the Office of the Registrar or when a student changes their local address in MyCN.

Any student considering relocating or working in a state outside the state of Tennessee, must contact their academic advisor to discuss state licensing requirements in the state where they intend to pursue licensure.

Students seeking licensure after completion of a degree from Carson-Newman should review the academic requirements for the program in which they are enrolled and any other requirements such as practicum, internships, and/or successful completion of exams required for licensure in the state in which they plan to practice. Licensing criteria vary from state to state and may change periodically.

 Students should contact the licensing agency in the state in which they plan to obtain a license or practice before beginning any program which is designed to lead to licensure and before completing any internship or practicum.

Additional Information


Carson-Newman University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, doctorate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation status of Carson-Newman University.

Student Complaint Process

Student complaints relating to consumer protection laws that involve distance learning education offered under the terms and conditions of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) must first be filed with Carson-Newman to seek resolution.

Complainants not satisfied with the outcome of Carson-Newman’s internal process may appeal, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission at  THEC Request for Complaint Review . 

For purposes of this process, a complaint shall be defined as a formal assertion in writing that the terms of SARA or the laws, standards or regulations incorporated by the SARA Policies and Standards ( have been violated by the institution operating under the terms of SARA.

For a list of SARA member States, please visit the NC-SARA website ( Students residing in non-SARA states should consult their respective State of residence for further instruction for filing a complaint.

SARA Student Complaint Process:  Student Complaint Procedure 

NC-SARA Homepage | NC-SARA




Undergraduate Programs

Adult & Graduate Programs

FAFSA Information

Carson-Newman is committed to making private education affordable. Our Financial Aid representatives will customize a plan for each student.

The first step in the process is completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). Carson-Newman’s FAFSA code is 003481.

Learn more about the process and begin your application

Get the myStudentAid Apple app

Get the myStudentAid Google Play app

Undergraduate Aid

Adult & Graduate Aid

Study Abroad

Enrollment in a program of study abroad approved for credit by Carson-Newman may be considered enrollment in Carson-Newman for the purposes of applying for federal student financial aid.  Students must still meet other federal eligibility requirements.

Disbursement Dates

The Financial Aid Office disburses financial aid payments to the Student Accounts Office on the dates listed below after all required paperwork is complete. Paperwork not completed before the scheduled disbursement dates will result in a delay. Disbursements outside of the following schedule will only be processed on Thursday of each week.

The Financial Aid Office will email you when loans are posted to your account. If an email address is not available, the notice will be sent via mail. You may reduce or reject the loan within 14 days.

Credit Balance Refunds

When financial aid disbursement(s) create a credit balance, the Office of Student Accounts will issue a refund check within 14 calendar days of the disbursement date as reflected on your statement of account. Checks will be mailed to parent borrowers of the Parent PLUS Loan if indicated on the application. All students will be notified by Student Accounts and may pick up checks or request that checks be mailed. To pick up checks, present a valid photo ID at the Student Accounts window in the Fite Administration Building during regular business hours.

The Carson-Newman Financial Aid Handbook is designed to answer common questions for financial aid recipients and to outline students’ specific rights and responsibilities regarding financial aid. Terms and conditions of awards are outlined in the handbook. Terms and conditions of awards are subject to change without notice based on change(s) in federal, state, NCAA, or university policies. Contact the Financial Aid Office ( for any additional questions.

Carson-Newman University Financial Aid Office
1646 Russell Ave.
Jefferson City, TN

Students convicted of a federal or state offense of selling or possessing illegal drugs may not be eligible for federal student aid (grants, loans and work study). Students who answer “Yes” to question 31 on the FAFSA will be sent a worksheet by the federal processing center to determine if the conviction affects eligibility for aid. Also, if the Financial Aid Office is notified that a student has been convicted of possession or sale of illegal drugs during the academic year, all federal student aid will be suspended immediately.

Convictions only count if the offense occurred during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving federal student aid. Also, a conviction that was reversed, set aside or removed from the student’s record does not count.

The chart below illustrates the period of ineligibility for federal student aid funds depending on whether the conviction was for sale or possession and whether the student had previous offenses. (A conviction for sale of drugs includes convictions for conspiring to sell drugs.)

Convictions Possession of Illegal Drugs Sale of Illegal Drugs
1st Offense 1 year from date of conviction 2 years from date of conviction
2nd Offense 2 years from date of conviction Indefinite Period
3+ Offenses Indefinite Period Indefinite Period

Students regain eligibility the day after the period of ineligibility ends or when they successfully complete a qualified drug rehabilitation program. Further drug convictions will extend ineligibility. Students denied eligibility for an indefinite period can regain aid only after successfully completing a rehabilitation program or if a conviction is reversed, set aside or removed from the student’s record so that fewer than two convictions for sale or three convictions for possession remain on the record. In such cases, the nature and dates of the remaining convictions will determine when the student regains eligibility. It is the student’s responsibility to certify to the Office of Financial Aid the date of conviction and if he/she has completed a drug rehabilitation program.

In compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008, the following Code of Conduct was written in respect to the Title IV Stafford Loan program. Financial Aid employees are prohibited from the following:

Conflicts of interest in respect to loans.

Revenue sharing arrangements with any lender.

Soliciting or accepting gifts from a lender, guarantor or servicer. Gifts include “gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan or any other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimus amount,” including services, transportation, lodging and meals. A gift does not include the following:

  • Standard materials, activities or programs related to a loan being provided
  • Food, refreshments, training or informational materials provided as part of a training session conducted by the lender in order for the institution to improve services
  • Favorable terms, conditions or borrower benefits provided to a student employed by the institution if comparable terms are provided to all students of the institution
  • Entrance and exit counseling services provided to borrowers as long as a covered institution’s staff is in control of the counseling and the counseling does not promote one specific lender
  • Philanthropic contributions to an institution unrelated to education loans
  • State education grants, scholarships or financial aid funds

Receipt of any fees, payments or any other financial benefits for consulting services by anyone with responsibilities in respect to education loans.

Assigning first-time borrower’s loans to a particular lender and not delaying certification of any loan regardless of the lender or guaranty agency the borrower selects.

Accepting any funds to be used for private education loans in exchange for the institution providing concessions to the private lender.

In general, Carson-Newman University Financial Aid employees hold themselves to the following standards:

Refrain from taking any action for his or her personal benefit.

Refrain from taking any action he or she believes is contrary to law, regulation or best interests of the students and parents he or she serves.

Ensure that the information he or she provides is accurate and unbiased and does not reflect any preference arising from actual or potential personal gain.

Remain objective in making decisions and advising the institution regarding relationships with any entity involved in any aspect of student financial aid.

Refrain from soliciting or accepting anything beyond nominal value from any entity (other than an institution of higher education or a governmental entity such as the U.S. Department of Education) involved in the making, holding, consolidating or processing of any student loans, including anything of value (including reimbursement of expenses) for serving on an advisory body or part of a training activity of or sponsored by any such entity.

Disclose to his or her institution in such manner, as his or her institution may prescribe, any involvement with or interest in any entity involved in any aspect of student financial aid.


Statement of Ethical Principles

Carson-Newman University puts the best interest and needs of our students and their families first. Click for the NASFAA (National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators) Statement of Ethical Principles, which has been adopted by the Carson-Newman University Office of Financial Aid as a participating member of NASFAA.


University Code of Professional Conduct

All Carson-Newman employees are held to very high standards in order to provide the best service to our students and their families. Employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner by practicing good customer service and recognizing confidentiality in the position. Employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to a Christian institution and to be a worthy example in moral conduct and behavior for students of the University.

Initial Eligibility & Satisfactory Academic Progress (FASAP)
Initially, to be eligible to receive financial assistance, students must be enrolled in an eligible program.  Financial assistance is considered renewable up to 150% of the approved program of study, provided the student satisfies the standards of Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (FASAP) as outlined below.

A student will be considered as making satisfactory progress in receiving financial assistance provided that:

  • The student is eligible to re-enroll at Carson-Newman University; and
  • The student is making progress at a rate not less than demonstrated by the following qualitative and quantitative scales:Qualitative FASAP
Degree Type Number of Cumulative Credit Hours Attempted Minimum Cumulative GPA Required
Bachelors 1-30 1.50
31-45 1.70
46-59 1.90
60+ 2.00
Masters 1-9 2.75
9.5+ 3.0

Quantitative FASAP
In addition to the above, students must earn 67% of Attempted Credit Hours to qualify as listed below:

Attempted Credit Hours Minimum Credit Hours to Earn (67%)
30 20
24 16
12 8
9 6
6 or less 4

Maximum Timeframe

Type of Degree Number of Required Credits for Degree Maximum Cumulative Attempted Credits (150%)
Bachelors 120 180
Masters- Consult catalog for specific degree requirements 33+ 150%

Zero Term GPA (0.00)
If you have a 0.00 GPA in a term, the Registrar will determine if you completed and earned all F’s in your classes.  If the Registrar determines that you stopped attending every class, you will be processed by the Financial Aid Office as an unofficial withdrawal.  Refer to the “Withdrawal from Carson-Newman” section for more information.
FASAP Evaluation Process (Process Illustration)

  • REVIEW Each Term: Review for SAP will be conducted at the conclusion of each term, including summer.  Students who are determined to be ineligible for further aid will be notified.  It is your responsibility to ensure that lost eligibility is restored.
  • WARNING Status: Students will have one semester of WARNING on the first instance of a failed FASAP calculation. Warning notice will be sent to students’ CN email account if e-consent is on file.
  • UNSATISFACTORY Status: A subsequent calculation failing FASAP will result in Financial Assistance UNSATISFACTORY standing (suspension), and students will be ineligible for financial assistance unless they have a successful appeal. Unsatisfactory notice will be sent to CN email account if e-consent on file.
  • PROBATION Status: Students that filed a successful appeal from an unsatisfactory status will be granted a one term probation in which they will be eligible for financial aid.  After the probation term, students must meet the standards satisfactorily to continue aid eligibility.
  • W, F, or I or IP Grades: All grades of F, W, WP, WF, U, or I will not count as hours earned but will count as hours attempted. IP grades will count in attempted hours but will not factor into GPA.
  • REPEATED Hours: Repeated hours will count towards attempted hours, but may not be countable in enrollment status for the term depending upon number of times repeated for a grade.   For example, if you earned 3 hours with a grade of “D” twice, and you decide to repeat the course to earn a better grade, the repeated 3 hours will not count in your enrollment status for the term that it is a second repeat.  Hence, your enrollment status for the term will be calculated as: registered credit hours –  second or more repeated credit hours = enrollment status for federal financial aid purposes.  This is subject to change as Federal Regulations are subject to change.  All attempted hours will count against your 150% of degree credits limitation.
  • TRANSFER Credits: Transfer credits accepted by Carson-Newman University will also count in attempted and total earned hours.
  • TELS HOPE Awards:  Evaluation to determine continued eligibility for TELS HOPE awards will occur upon attempting 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 hours for coursework completed after high school graduation and is a separate process than FASAP calculations.  If you fail to meet TELS SAP, you will be sent a written letter with important information, and future TELS awards may not be available to you.  Click HERE for more information regarding TELS HOPE continuation requirements. Your TELS HOPE GPA is not calculated the same as your CN GPA calculation.
  • APPEALS FASAP:  Students may appeal an unsatisfactory status for FASAP calculation.  Appeals must be made by the deadline given in each notification.  (Forms)
  • APPEALS TELS HOPE Loss: Students may appeal TELS HOPE loss on reasons other than GPA.

If your financial aid exceeds your student charges, a book credit will be available to you. If you have initiated an authorization with Student Accounts, or if you are a Federal Pell Grant recipient, your available book credit will be sent electronically to the bookstore when the e-confirm process begins each semester. There is no e-confirm process in summer, so your credit will be sent in advance of the summer term. If you choose to obtain books through another method/place or wish to opt out of this process, please contact Student Accounts directly.

Visit the C-N Bookstore

We encourage prospective students to discover the wide range of scholarships available for today’s college students. There are many free scholarship searches, and our financial aid representative will be happy to help you in your exploration. Contact the Financial Aid Office ( for more information. Current C-N students will also find scholarship information here.

Tips for Scholarship Searches

  • Don’t Get Scammed. There are many free scholarship searches that are reliable, but use caution for any search that asks for money. If you have to pay money to receive money, it is probably a scam. Consult the Federal Trade Commission website for more tell-tale signs of scholarship scams. also has a good reference page regarding scholarship searches.
  • Don’t Pay for a Scholarship Service. There are many reliable free scholarship search services, so we do not recommend paying for a search service. We also recommend personalized searches, such as visiting your local library, reviewing published scholarship books, asking a high school guidance counselor, or visiting a college financial aid office for information.
  • Don’t Miss Deadlines. Make a list of scholarship deadlines and plan to respond before those dates. Make note if you need other information to submit, such as a reference letter from a teacher or professor or documentation of your financial need results from your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) filing. If you need something from someone else, plan accordingly. Asking someone at the last minute for a letter or documentation is not a good idea. Give that person at least two weeks to fulfill your request (one week at the very minimum).
  • Don’t Rule Out a Scholarship. Apply for a scholarship even if you think you might not get it. When an essay is required, some students may not to even try, so the application pool may be smaller. This gives you an even higher chance of being selected.

  • To renew your federal, state and need-based C-N aid, you must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. Priority FAFSA deadline is February 1st. The FAFSA application for each fall opens the October 1 in the year prior.
  • Your award is based on financial information supplied by you and/or your family. Your award is subject to revision if your financial situation changes, if errors in data are discovered, or if additional assistance from other sources exceeds your individual limits. Your award is also subject to revision if you change your housing status or drop below full-time enrollment.
  • Your award is determined in accordance with laws, regulations, appropriations (existing or anticipated) of the U.S. Department of Education and by the regulations of the applicable federal, state and University programs. Award provisions are subject to change without notice.
  • Your financial aid student records are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). For more detailed information, please access the FERPA page.
  • By signing your Financial Aid Award Letter or accepting your aid through C-N Connect, you are authorizing us to release information to the U.S. Department of Education, state agencies, scholarship donors, scholarship selection committees and other C-N departments as needed.
  • You are required to notify the Office of Financial Aid in writing or via email of the amounts of any financial aid received from outside sources and of any changes in enrollment status.
  • Carson-Newman University aid is available for eight semesters for incoming freshman. Transfer students may retain this award for the number of semesters normally required to achieve graduation. Only students enrolled full-time in our traditional undergraduate programs seeking their first undergraduate degree are eligible for University merit scholarships, need-based scholarships and endowments.
  • In preparing undergraduate award letters, C-N assumes full-time enrollment each semester. Undergraduate students must contact the office of Financial Aid if you will enroll for less than full-time attendance or if you plan to repeat a course in which you have earned credit previously. To reflect your current status, the Office of Financial Aid will adjust awards after each drop period ends. Due to C-N policy of grade replacement, when repeating a course with a D or better, your financial aid enrollment status will be based on courses for which you will receive new credit. For examples of how this policy is applied, review the Satisfactory Academic Progress information. C-N University aid is reserved for full-time, on-ground students seeking their first undergraduate degree.
  • You must be enrolled at least half-time to maintain eligibility for loan disbursements each semester. Undergraduate and graduate enrollment of at least half-time is six credit hours per term (as of 2018).




As a student financial aid recipient, you have the right to:

  • Know the correct deadlines and procedures for submission of aid applications.
  • Know the types of aid available, including all federal, state and institutional aid programs, and the policies or regulations that govern these programs.
  • Know the cost of attendance at Carson-Newman and the University’s refund policy.
  • Know how financial need is determined, the criteria for awarding aid, how academic progress is determined and what you have to do to continue receiving aid.
  • Know the type and amount of assistance you will receive, how much of your need has been met and how and when you will receive your aid funds.
  • View the contents of your student financial aid file, in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
  • Know the conditions of any loan you accept.
  • Know the terms, conditions and pay rate for any student job you accept under the Federal Work Study Program.
  • Appeal decisions if you have been denied financial assistance. Appeals must be filed no later than 30 days from the decision of denial.
  • Expect and receive complete confidentiality about financial aid awarded by our office.
  • Know the University complaint procedures for online education and on-ground students.




As a student financial aid recipient, it is your responsibility to:

  • Accurately complete and submit application materials within required or recommended time frames.
  • Know and comply with enrollment requirements related to financial aid eligibility.
  • Read all materials sent to you in printed or electronic format from the Office of Financial Aid and other agencies awarding you aid.
  • Read, understand, and keep copies of all forms you sign. (Check your C-N email often.)
  • Accept responsibility for all agreements and forms you sign on paper or electronically.
  • Use funds awarded to you solely for educational expenses incurred while attending Carson-Newman.
  • Notify the Office of Financial Aid when your housing or enrollment status changes.
  • Notify the Office of Financial Aid within 30 days of a grade change, such as an incomplete converting to a grade, as timely notification is necessary for aid eligibility monitoring.
  • Know and comply with the rules governing the aid you receive to include the Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards.
  • Provide additional documentation, federal tax returns, W-2s and any additional information when requested by the Office of Financial Aid.
  • Comply with the provisions of any billing promissory note and all other University agreements you sign.
  • Know the University’s refund policy and implications of dropping a course or withdrawing from the University.
  • Repay all educational loans according to the repayment provisions agreed upon at the time the loan was accepted and the promissory note signed.
  • Enroll at least half-time and complete exit counseling upon ending enrollment, if borrowing Federal Direct Loans.
  • Report any wages, loans, grants or scholarships received from external private sources to the Treasurer’s Office / Student Accounts Office.  External sources of aid may cause a revision of aid awarded to you.
  • Keep your local and permanent addresses current with the Registrar’s Office and with any lending institutions.

For federal aid to pay for a course in your major, minor, or other degree requirement, if must be part of your approved Course Program of Study (CPos) and must count in the evaluation of your approved program using the degree evaluation tool.  You need to make sure all courses count when you meet with your academic advisor and plan your schedule for each semester.

First: Officially Declare Your Major and Minor

It is essential that your major and minor are officially declared and noted in your student record.  If you have been planning to declare or change a major or minor, but have not yet done so, you should consult with your academic advisor immediately to make the official declaration.

  • Courses can only be determined to be eligible based on the officially declared major and minor as noted in your student record

Second: Assumptions About Financial Aid Offers

Financial aid offers are based on the assumption that undergraduate students will enroll full-time and graduate students will enroll at least half-time in eligible coursework during the fall and spring semesters.

Third: Keep Your Eligibility

Remember that dropping or not attending your courses can negatively impact your eligibility for current and future aid.  It is important that your discuss your Course Program of Study with your advisor when your enroll for next semester’s classes.  if your current coursework is not correct, work with your advisot to make the appropriate changes to your major or minor.

Why is this important?

Taking courses that are not required to completed your program could result in your receiving less or no federal aid or in owing money back.  Taking classes that are not in your Course Program of Study for your officially declared major and/or minor may result in a reduction of your overall financial aid offer since courses that are not eligible cannot be counted toward your full-time status.  In other words, the full-time Cost of Attendance (COA) requirements for undergraduates says that you must be enrolled in at least 12 eligible credit hours.  For example, if 9 of your 12 hours are in your Course Program of Study, but 3 of your hours do not count toward your major or minor, your COA will reflect that you are not a full-time student (only 3/4 time), which could reduce your state and university aid.  Remember:  We cannot award aid in excess of your Cost of Attendance.

What types of aid are affected by this?

Federal Aid (Examples: Pell Grant, FSEOG, Teach Grant, Direct Loans, and Work-study) may only be paid for eligible courses that count toward your program.  state, university Aid, and other aid (TSAA Grant, HOPE Scholarship, C-N Grant, and Alternative Loans) are currently not subject to the same regulatory restrictions.  However, your Cost of Attendance will be reduced for courses that are not counting towards the program of study; which can result in a lower about of state, university, and private aid that you may receive.

How does this affect Cost of Attendance?

The Cost of Attendance is an estimate of your cost to go to school for a specific amount of time (semester or year) and is based on your enrollment status, and we cannot award aid in excess of your Cost of Attendance.  Enrollment status for financial aid is based on eligible courses only.  If you are in 12 hours that count towards your program of study, you will be considered a full-time student for cost of attendance purposes.  If you are enrolled in 12 hours and only 9 hours are required toward your officially declared program of study, your federal aid will be reduced to 3/4 time based on 9 hours, as will your Cost of Attendance.  However if your Cost of Attendance allows, you may still be eligible for a full-time university grant/scholarship and/or TN state grant/scholarship.  Federal Direct Loans require 1/2 time attendance (at least 6 credit hours).  If you are enrolled in 6+ hours, but only 3-5 hours are required for your program of study, you will not be eligible to receive a Federal Direct Loan.


Enrollment Status Types Undergraduate Graduate
Full-time  12+ Credit Hours/semester  9+ Credit Hours/semester
Three Quarter Time  9-11 Credit Hours/semester  7-8 Credit Hours/semester
Half-time  6-8 Credit Hours/semester  6 Credit Hours/semester
Less than Half-time 1-5 Credit Hours/semester 1-5 Credit Hours/semester

If your federal aid has been reduced due to enrollment in coursework that does not apply towards your outstanding requirements in your program of study, you should contact your academic advisor to discuss your academic options.  Otherwise, if you have questions regarding financial aid, contact our office located in Butler Welcome Hall or by emailing

Not all students will be selected for the verification process.  For those who are selected, Carson-Newman’s Office of Financial Aid is here to help.

Verification is a process used to confirm certain information you provided on the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).  Some students are selected by the U.S. Department of Education randomly or because FAFSA data was incomplete, estimated, or inconsistent, while others may be selected by our office based on conflicting information.

If you are selected for verification, Carson-Newman is required to collect documentation from you to confirm or correct the information reported on your FAFSA.  If selected, you will receive a letter detailing the documentation needed from you to complete the process.  The verification process ensures that eligible students receive all the aid for which they qualify.

Regardless of why you were chosen, our office will work with you to collect the proper documentation.  Carson-Newman may issue you an award letter with tentative aid, but we will not be able to apply aid to your student account until verification is complete.  Please understand that your financial aid is subject to change as a result of verification.

Not all students will need the same documentation, so pay special attention to your letter. Please do not send documents unless requested.  Generally, however, you will need at least the following:

It is important that all documents requested be returned as quickly as possible to avoid delays.  If you have amended your tax return(s), we will need a copy of the original and the amended version.  If you have requested an extension for filing your tax return(s), please send a copy of the extension until you are able to provide that filed tax information.  Completing this process as soon as possible cannot be overstressed.  We want to be able to give you accurate financial aid, rather than tentative aid that is subject to change.  Please understand that all information will be kept confidential in our office.  Once your file has been reviewed, it may be necessary to correct your FAFSA information. If we have corrected information while you are in verification, please do not correct your FAFSA back to what you originally filed, as this will create further delays.

All documents and forms may be mailed or faxed to the Office of Financial Aid.


Carson-Newman University
Office of Financial Aid
1646 Russell Avenue
Jefferson City, TN 37760
Fax: 865-471-2035
Please submit documentation no later than the following guidelines for each term:
Fall Term August 1st
Spring Term December 1st
Summer Term May 1st
Other Terms Two weeks prior to start date

For questions about the verification process, please contact the Office of Financial Aid by phone at (800) 678-9061, (865) 471-3247, or by email at

As a student employed in the Federal Work Study program at Carson-Newman, many questions and answers regarding your work study employment may be found in the Student Employment Handbook as it outlines the terms and conditions of the Federal Work Study program. Terms and conditions of student employment are subject to change based on change(s) in Federal or University policies. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

Student Employment Handbook

The Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship (TELS) HOPE funding requires a student to meet certain renewal GPAs at each renewal benchmark:

Attempted Hours Benchmark Renewal Cumulative TELS HOPE GPA Required
24 2.75
48 2.75
72 & 96 3.0


Cumulative GPA of 2.75-2.99 AND a semester GPA of at least a 3.0 in the preceding term of receiving the award (provisional status)

The TELS HOPE GPA may not be the same as your Carson-Newman University GPA, so use the following Excel calculator to determine your estimated TELS HOPE GPA:

HOPE GPA Calculator (Excel Version)

Students without Excel may review the calculation process below:

TYPE of Credit Hours on Transcript Do credits count for TELS HOPE GPA? Do quality points count for TELS HOPE GPA? Do credits count in C-N University GPA? Do quality points count for C-N Unversity GPA?
Graded Courses Yes Yes Yes Yes
Repeats- R Yes Yes Replaces- does not average Replaces- does not average
Dual Enrolled Courses No No Yes Yes
 CLEP Hours  No No  Yes No
 W credits  Yes  No No No
WF credits Yes Yes Yes Yes

Official TELS HOPE GPAs will be calculated by the University and are completed at the end of every semester for every Tennessee HOPE eligible student.  Students are notified via email when the official calculation indicates a student is no longer eligible for lottery funding.  Students that have lost HOPE Lottery funding are eligible to regain at the next benchmark by meeting the renewal GPA requirements.

The TELS HOPE Lottery funding eligibility ends when a student has attained a baccalaureate degree OR has attempted 120 semester hours OR 5 years have passed from initial enrollment at any post-secondary institution—whichever occurs first.  Exceptions may be available to students with documented medical disabilities.  Students enrolled in a program of study greater than 120 hours may receive the award for up to 136 attempted hours OR the number of hours required to earn degree, whichever is less.  Most undergraduate degree programs at Carson-Newman University require 120 semester hours, so funding ceases at 120 attempted hours.

Part-time degree seeking students qualify for limited aid.  Each student that will be enrolling for less than 12 credit hours each term should notify our office as soon as possible ( so that we may more accurately reflect aid that you are eligible to receive.  In generating your Award Letter, we may have assumed full-time attendance.  Your student bill will then be incorrectly listing full-time aid with part-time charges, giving you the impression that you may not owe for your registered courses.

At the census date each term (last day to make a schedule change), our office will adjust aid downward based upon your actual enrollment if less than full-time.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that after the census date, you should take care to NOT change your schedule unless you consult with our office first.  This is extremely important for TN HOPE Scholarship recipients.  TN HOPE recipients that fail to contact our office before making a schedule change after the census date could forfeit TN HOPE Scholarship funding. 

Below are some important aid programs and the amounts that you may qualify based on attendance each term.  If you have other programs not listed, please contact our office so that we may assist you:
Undergraduate Students, seeking first degree:

Aid Type 3/4 time attendance (9-11 hrs) 1/2 time attendance (6-8 hrs) Less than 1/2 time
Any type of Carson-Newman Assistance such as merit scholarships, need- based grants or endowments $0 $0 $0
Federal Pell Grant Amount Varies based on FAFSA results (EFC)- Depending upon EFC, not all students will qualify for a prorated Pell, but the Federal Pell Amount will be less than your full-time allotment.* *Same as 3/4 time *Same as 3/4 time
Federal SEOG Grant 75% of your full-time award 50% of your full-time award 25% of your full-time award
TN TSAA Grant 75% of your full-time award 50% of your full-time award $0
TN HOPE Scholarship* see important note 75% of your full-time award 50% of your full-time award $0
Federal TEACH Grant 75% of your full-time award 50% of your full-time award 25% of your full-time award
Federal Work-Study Amount could vary based upon your adjusted cost of attendance, but usually a student is eligible for the same full-time award amounts.* *Same as 3/4 time *Same as 3/4 time
Federal Direct Stafford Loans Amount could vary based upon your adjusted cost of attendance, but usually a student is eligible for the same full-time award amounts.* *Same as 3/4 time $0

Graduate Students:
(University Merit Scholarships, Need-based Grants, and Endowments are not available for Graduate Students regardless of hours enrolled)

Aid Type                                     3/4 time attendance (7-8 hrs) 

1/2 time attendance

(5-6 hrs) 

Less than 1/2 time 
Federal TEACH Grant  75% of your full-time award  50% of your full-time award  25% of your full-time award
Federal Direct Stafford Loans  Amount could vary based upon your adjusted cost of attendance, but usually a student is eligible for the same full-time award amounts.*  *Same as 3/4 time  $0

Updated Information as of November 2014 and Proposals available here.
Although the Development, Relief, and Education of Alien Minors (DREAM) Act has never been passed into law by Congress, certain eligible young immigrants may now be eligible to apply for temporary relief called “deferred action.” Deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) provides individuals who are not in lawful immigration status and entered into the United States as minors a two-year grant of deferred action.  The DACA does not provide a pathway to citizenship, nor does it confer lawful immigration status upon recipients.  It does allow for work authorization, application for social security numbers, and potentially obtaining a driver’s license, depending upon the state of domicile.
DACA Qualifications:

  • Entry into the U.S. before the age of 16;
  • Five years of continuous residence and actual physical presence in the U.S. since June 15, 2007, and on June 15, 2012;
  • Enrollment in or graduation from high school or other qualifying educational program or obtained GED certificate;
  • No convictions for felonies, significant misdemeanors, multiple misdemeanors, and no national security or public safety threats; and
  • At least 15 years of age at the time of application but not more than 30 years of age on June 15, 2012.
  • Individuals are required to pay a $465 filing fee to Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and individuals should seek assistance from a qualified immigration attorney or non-profit organization.
  • More information is available from Department of Homeland Security.

DACA Recipients and Financing College:
In certain states, undocumented immigrants are eligible to pay in-state tuition rates at public universities.  The good news is that Carson-Newman’s tuition and fees are the same regardless of state residency.  However, DACA recipients are currently ineligible to receive federal student aid as they do not currently fit into any of the U.S. Department of Education’s categories for eligible noncitizens.  Additionally, undocumented students are also ineligible for most state financial aid programs.

Carson-Newman does award merit aid to undocumented students upon acceptance even though students may not qualify for federal and state aid.  Additionally, DACA recipients should file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  The student must have a Social Security number to complete the FAFSA online.  This FAFSA will be used by Carson-Newman solely to determine if an undocumented student may also qualify for Carson-Newman need based aid.  In comparison to public colleges who may charge out-of-state tuition, the cost of attending Carson-Newman is many times more affordable.

DACA students should also explore sources for outside funding.  Students may be eligible for private scholarships, depending upon eligibility requirements.  Students should conduct free scholarship searches in pursuit of funding.
Important Considerations for DACA Recipients:

  • DACA program is still new and developing.  Some issues remain to be resolved.
  • Since DACA does not confer an immigration status, students who have received DACA or have a pending application for DACA should not travel or study abroad.
  • Students who choose to work while in school should understand that personal earned income is taxable and well as certain scholarships.  Since federal tax filing categories for DACA recipients are not yet clear, the exact tax consequences for DACA recipients have not been determined.

What’s Next?

  • Apply for admission to Carson-Newman.
  • Upon acceptance to Carson-Newman, students will be sent a merit aid offer.
  • If DACA is right for you, then take appropriate steps to make an application, but read and consult appropriate legal advice.
  • Students with Social Security numbers may file the FAFSA.
  • Financial Aid Award Notifications will be sent to students that are determined to be eligible for need-based Carson-Newman assistance.
  • If DACA is not right for you, or you do not have a Social Security number to file the FAFSA, and you have been accepted to Carson-Newman, please contact our Admissions Office regarding options.  Students will also need to meet with a Financial Aid Counselor and should have their student and parent(s)’ income information available at appointment time.
  • Please contact us for additional information regarding enrolling to Carson-Newman.  We are here to help students afford a great education at a great price!

The Office of Financial Aid encourages you to take the time to learn financial basics.  If you are a young adult just beginning your college education or ready to graduate with your degree, learning how to manage your money should be a priority in your life.  We want you to become financially educated.  With the help of the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE), CashCourse is available to Carson-Newman Students.

Start now by clicking the link below:



In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq., and implementing regulations at 34 C.F.R. part 106 (collectively “Title IX”), Carson-Newman University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits unlawful sex discrimination in any education program or activity operated by the University, including admission and employment.

Carson-Newman University is a Christian institution operating as a non-profit “public benefit corporation and a religious corporation” under the control of the Tennessee Baptist Convention and the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board. (Charter of Carson-Newman, as amended October 21, 2022). As a private religious institution, Carson-Newman is exempt from regulations under Title IX that conflict with the University’s religious tenets, which are summarized in the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.


The University’s Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures are published annually and available at

Incidents of conduct that an individual believes could constitute sex discrimination under Title IX or University policy should be reported to the University’s Title IX Coordinator, who is available to answer questions and to offer supportive measures and resources.

Title IX Coordinator:

Ms. Randi Morrison, Director of Student Prevention Services
Office: Maddox Student Activities Center (MSAC) 2010
Mail: C-N Box 71986, Jefferson City, TN 37760
Phone: (865) 471-4186

Entrance and Exit Counseling are designed to help student borrowers understand the benefits and responsibilities of Direct Loans, terms of any loan received, and loan repayment information associated with Direct Loans.

Direct Loan Entrance Counseling

Both the entrance counseling and Master Promissory Note are required for loan disbursement. Use the Student Loans link below to complete this process for Federal Direct Stafford Loans or Direct PLUS Loans.

Direct Loan Exit Counseling

Federal regulations require all student loan borrowers to participate in Stafford Loan exit counseling whenever dropping below half-time enrollment status, transferring, withdrawing or graduating. Use the Student Loans link below to complete exit counseling.

Important Links

Students convicted of a federal or state offense of selling or possessing illegal drugs may not be eligible for federal student aid (grants, loans and work study). Students who answer “Yes” to question 31 on the FAFSA will be sent a worksheet by the federal processing center to determine if the conviction affects eligibility for aid. Also, if the Financial Aid Office is notified that a student has been convicted of possession or sale of illegal drugs during the academic year, all federal student aid will be suspended immediately.

Convictions only count if the offense occurred during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving federal student aid. Also, a conviction that was reversed, set aside or removed from the student’s record does not count.

The chart below illustrates the period of ineligibility for federal student aid funds depending on whether the conviction was for sale or possession and whether the student had previous offenses. (A conviction for sale of drugs includes convictions for conspiring to sell drugs.)


Possession of Illegal Drugs

Sale of Illegal Drugs

Students regain eligibility the day after the period of ineligibility ends or when they successfully complete a qualified drug rehabilitation program. Further drug convictions will extend ineligibility. Students denied eligibility for an indefinite period can regain aid only after successfully completing a rehabilitation program or if a conviction is reversed, set aside or removed from the student’s record so that fewer than two convictions for sale or three convictions for possession remain on the record. In such cases, the nature and dates of the remaining convictions will determine when the student regains eligibility. It is the student’s responsibility to certify to the Office of Financial Aid the date of conviction and if he/she has completed a drug rehabilitation program.

1st Offense

1 year from date of conviction

2 years from date of conviction

2nd Offense

2 years from date of conviction

Indefinite Period

3+ Offenses

Indefinite Period

Indefinite Period